Wednesday 1 June 2011

Basic shortcut Keys for Windows

Alt + e                        Top edit menu get pull down

Alt + f                        Top file menu get pull down

Ctrl + a                      All text in a file gets selected

Ctrl + c                      Copy the selected items.

Ctrl + f                       to find.

Ctrl + v                      paste the copied items

Ctrl + x                      Cut.

Ctrl + Ins                    Same as Ctrl + c

F1                              Help.

Home                         Jump to the beginning of the line or page.

End                            Jump to the end of the line or page.

Ctrl + End                   Jump to the end of the document or page.

Shift + Home               Set selection  from current position to beginning of the line or page.

Shift + End                  Set selection  from current position to end of the line or page.

Shift + (left arrow)        Set selection  from current position to the left, one character at a time.

Shift + (right arrow)      Set selection  from current position to the right, one character at a    time.

Shift + (down arrow)     Set selection  from current position to the next line down.

Shift + (up arrow)          Set selection  from current position to the next line up.

Ctrl + Home                  Jump to the beginning of the document or page.

Ctrl + (left arrow)           Move one word to the left at a time.

Ctrl + (right arrow)         Move one word to the right at a time.

Shift + Ins                      Same as Ctrl + v

Shift + Delelte (or Del)    Cut. Or permanently delete selected item(s) on Windows Explorer.


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