Tuesday 31 May 2011

Dead Space 2 Walkthrough

1. The Dead Space 2 intro gives a quick recap of the events so far. Dead Space 2 takes place in 2511, three years after the events of Dead Space and Dead Space: Aftermath, on the Sprawl space station. This is a densely populated metropolis built on Titan station, Saturn’s largest moon. The mental illness caused by the Marker appears to be permanent and continues to have an effect on the protagonist Isaac Clarke.

2. After the flashbacks, Franco will be trying to wake you up. He will also be talking to someone called Daina, he will be talking to her via the communicator.He will try his hardest to get you out of the straitjacket, but then he is attacked by a Necromorph.The only thing you will be able to do is RUN!!!.

3. Holding down the RUB button, you will need to move as quickly as you can. You will need to dodge the Necromorphs as you escape this area. When you make it to the end of the room, you will need to take the end exit, this will lead you to the outer hall. Follow the corridor to the right.

4. Once you have made it through the door, you will need to walk to the end of the safe zone. There is a save station here, it will be a good idea to walk over to it and save your game.
There is nothing much around this area, since you are still in your straitjacket you will not be able to pick anything up.Press the ACTION button to open the door.

5. There will be some soldiers located in the next room, you will need to wait for the tentacle to reach down and get them. You will then need to move forward quickly and secure the area.Make your way to the top and through the door, you will also need to move through the observation room.You will need to stop and listen to a person named Stross, continue along the narrow passage. You will need to go through another door to get to the office.

6. Someone is inside the office. You will have to walk up to the person standing at the window.
This is the doctor, he was interrogating you. Once he has taken you out of the straitjacket, you will need to go and press the action button.As you will know, the doctor will not be going with you, whilst you are waiting Daina will contact you. You will need to listen to her then enter the elevator.

7. Once you have reached the next floor, you will need to go through a dark area. You will be able to use the flash light. You will be able to find the flash light located in a locker.The locator will help you get to your destination, by pressing the locator button, a blue line will appear. This blue line will show you where to go.Make your way around the desks and chairs in the dark room. If you turn to the right, you will be able to get your hands on an audio log, this log is hidden in the corner.

8. Make your way through the room, enter the door located at the far end of the room. You will need to follow this narrow hallway. It will lead you to a dead in.You will now need to find the Maintenance access tunnel., you will need to walk over to the blue icon that has a hand printed on it. Make your way into the tunnel and crawl along.You will not be allow to fight or use your items just yet, you will fall through the floor as you come to the end of the tunnel.

9. As you drop down into the operating room, you will need to walk over to the control panel which is located on the left. Pressing the action button to open the control panel. Take a couple of seconds to figure out how to use it.

10. A short while after you have gotten your Kinesis, a couple of splashers will appear. You will need to hold down the aim button quickly, you will need to aim and point the metal rods at the patient’s body, pressing the Kinesis button.

11. You will need to aim at the splashers chest, if you miss the target and they get to close to you, you will need to release the aim button and switch to your melee attack.Once you have defeated the splashers, you will need to leave the operating room, following the path to the elevator.You will need to use the controls in the elevator to get to the observation area.

Meet Patient 5

12. Once you have left the elevator, you will need to quickly move to the right. Using your Kinesis to pick up the metal pole.You will need to throw the metal pole at the Slasher, picking up the second pole and doing the same with the second Slasher.You will need to make your way down to the lower level, you will need to get to the glass over looking the operating room.

13. You are also able to step on the Slashers, this will get you some credits. You will also need to open two locked doors. You will need to head into the opposite door, this will lead you to the next level.As you go down the corridor, you will need to have a look for a green container, you will find these containers scattered all though the game.

14. You will need to make your way into the middle of the room, you will need to press the ACTION button to bring back the surgical cutter.Once you have completed that, you will get a Plasma Cutter Weapon. Whilst you are busy getting the weapon, a Slasher will move into kill the patient. It will then come after you.Once you have killed the two slashers, you will need to kill the third one. This slasher will not be able to come after you. Shooting at its arms to kill it.

15. Once you have checked all the side rooms, three slashers will appear. You will need to stay in this room. Switching to your plasma cutter, you will need to take out their legs.Once you have taken down the Necromorphs, have a look around the area for ammo.Following your locator path through the smalls rooms.

16. Remember to smash everything you are able to smash, make your way into the small patients room to collect a text log.Keep on having a look round this area for goodies, you will need to follow the locator path. It will lead you to a door way, this will lead you down to the lower lobby area.

 Isaac Is Back

17. Once you have made it to the bottom of the ramp, you will be in the main part of the lobby. Stross has gone through the exit.You will now need to find another entrance to the hospital. You will need to stay close to the steel door, there are five slashers coming your way!

18. As soon as you are able to see them, you will need to start shooting at their arms, you will also need to start shooting at their legs if need be.Once you have killed all the slashers, the alarms will stop. Collecting all the ammo and credits from the enemies corpses. Daina will unlock the door for you. This will lead you to the admin area. Make your way to the reception counter.

19. Once you have collected all the goodies from the admin area, you will need to make your way through the large door. This door is located behind the counter. Making your way into the Triage room, you will see a few stasis beds. Head to the red console located on the left. You will need to press your ACTION button.

11. You will then need to rotate your stick to the left. Once it turns blue, still moving your stick to the left you will then need to press your ACTION button.You will need to do this three times. You will then get the stasis module.

12. As soon as you get the stasis model, you will need to use it on the Slasher. Using the stasis on the Slasher will cause time to slow down. Allow you to get in a few good hits. To be able to get out of this room, you will need to make your way through the security gate.

13. Fair warning! There will be a pile of enemies located in the area behind the door. ( behind the person who has been burnt by acid) once you have stepped out of the elevator, you will need to head towards the gift shop, have a look around to see if there are any goodies to pick up. You will need to make your way to the end of the corridor. You will need to pick up some plasma energy.

14. There is a Necromorph lying on the ground so watch out. It is not dead, it will raise up and start attacking you when you get close to it. You will be able to use your stasis on it, remember you will need to wait for your stasis to recharge once you have used up your two shots. Once you have defeated the Necromorph, you will need to walk up to the store, press the action button to activate it. You will only be able to purchase an Energy Suit.

15. Once you have purchased the Energy Suit, it will automatically place the suit on you. You will now want to make your way to the save station.Make your way through the door towards the emergency arrival area. Once you have made it through the doorway, you will enter an area that has been damaged. You will need to make your way through the doorway.

The Boss Fight

16. Once you have entered the emergency arrivals, you will be greeted by the Tripod.There are several containers located around the arena, you will need to use your kenesis to bring them closer to you.As soon as the Tripod jumps down onto the main deck, you will need to hit it with Stasis. You will then need to shoot away at it. Shooting at its arms is one of the best tactics.

17. There is a yellow weak point on its arm, shoot there!You will need to keep shooting at this yellow weak spot.You will need to change between shooting and using your stasis. You do don’t want your Necromorph to get a hold of you.Do not waste time shooting, you can use your stasis once it is fully charged, it really helps the process.

You will need to keep your main focus on the arms, keeping shooting at the weak areas.Eventually you will cause enough damage, this will caused one of the arms to fall off.However, this will cause the Tripod to use another attack. He / she (you pick) will starting use the blades that’s will be coming out of it’s mouth.

You will need to keep your distance from this attack, once you have defeated the Tripod, you will be able to pick up the semiconductor it drops.You will be able to sell this for credits.Once you have left the emergency area, you will need to follow the corridor.This corridor will lead you to the vehicle maintenance bay.

Make your way through the doorway into the vehicle maintenance bay. There are three different spots where you will be able to pick up some extra credits.Once you have collected all the credits you want, head through down the corridor at the opposite side of the bay area.

Chapter 2

You will find yourself located in a shop, make your way up to the corpse. You will find an audio log.
The store has some new products. Have a look and see what you would like to purchase. Once you have decided on what to buy, you will need to leave the shop and move towards the sidewalk. The sidewalk will start to move. You will need to be prepared as there will be a slasher that will appear.

You will then need to walk through the area to the left, you will find a few crates here, stop on them and see what you can find. You will now be entering a corridor, you will see a civilian being attacked by a slasher, you will not be able to do anything for them.

You will need to kill the Necromorph, as it comes close to you, you will need to shoot it’s leg off. You will need to wait in the middle of the corridor until it comes for you. You will need to take the elevator, it will stop close to the civilian, this civilian will actually try and get into the elevator with you.

On your left hand side, you will be able to see Stross, you will need to be prepared as there is a leaper just ahead. You will need to hit it with stasis. Remember to shoot off the Necromorph’s arms once you have killed the leaper, you will need to make your way down the hall, and head though the door.
As you make it through the next hallway, you will be faced once again with the splashers. You will be able to use your melee attacks to get rid of this one.

Make your way into the apartment, here you will need to take on a Puker. You will need to be relly quick, it shoots acid and can really damage. You will be able to pick up a few credits near the bathroom door. Once you have collected all the goodies, you will need to take on the Slasher that will charge through the door.

You will be able to use your choice of weapons to take it on. You will need to quick as this enemy is really quick. When you make it into the Laundry room, it may look clear and normal but be prepared!. The lights will suddenly go out, then the Necromorph’s will attack. There will also be a Slasher that will appear from the ceiling.

Once you have left the Laundry room, you will need to make your way to the Terrace. Make your way through the door. Stopping on the containers to get some goodies.Once you have collected everything you need, make your way to the elevator.

Once you have made it to the next level, you will need to leave the safe station and head down the hallway.As you approach the door, you will need to watch out for the slasher.When you make it to the concourse, it is pretty dark. As you move through one of the enemy corpses will raise up, it is a slasher. You will need to take it on and defeat it.

You will now need to make your way to the opposite side of the concourse, you will be able to pick up some ammo here. If you have not killed everything in the room, the door will be malfunctioning, you will need to go back and make sure you have taken care of everything in the room.

You will need to shoot the Explorers sacks. Two more will come your way, you will need to do the same thing to destroy them. Make your way down the passage leading from the concourse. Once you have reached the station, you will need to complete a task set. You will need to go after the infector. You will need to use stasis on it. You will also need to kill all the Necromorph’s, it is more than likely they are infected too.

Once you have cleared out of the station, you will need to go around and collect all the goodies. You will see some purple lights on the opposite side of the track. You will need to use your kenesis to pull up a Sctematic for Stasis Packs. It is now time to get onto the tram. You will need to walk over to the car where the infector was, at the end of the second car is a panel, you will need to press the ACTION button whilst you are standing next to the panel.

The hack you perform will get the tram running. You will need to make your way through the Tram.
You will encounter a few Necromorph’s along the way, before the tram begins to shake. Isaac will then have to complete a quick time action sequence, after which he will let go of the tram door and fly towards the next carriage.

The doors of the carriage in front will be blown off by an explosion, you will need to do your best as the solid steel door will inflict some damage.Isaac will then need to make his way through the second section of the tram as it hurtles towards the station. The tram will crash into the station, leaving Isaac hanging upside down.

You will need to pick up any ammo floating around as you will soon be swamped by enemies.Do your best to aim for the limbs to conserve your ammunition, after you have taken on this wave of enemies Isaac will then look up. He will then be greeted by an enormous beast.

You will need to aim for the glowing yellow section. These are it’s weak points, you will also need to aim for it’s limbs. You will need to fire continuously, until Isaac is freed. Isaac will then crash to the ground you will need to stop on all the dead bodies to regain as much ammo as possible.This will be the beginning of chapter three, you will need to have a scout around for nodes and extra credits that are hiding in lockers or containers.

 Meet The Pack

Tip: CEC advises all engineers to carry one Power Node with them at all times to unlock emergency supply rooms. Contents of these rooms can be random. You are now alone and located in the room where the tram crashed, there are several crates located on the shelves you will be able to grab using your kenesis, remember to stop on them to get the goodies.

Go over and check the table, this table is located by the ramp. There is also a medical pack located in the locker. You will now need to make your way up the ramp, you will need to stop at the save station. Make your way through the doorway near the save station, you will need to make sure that all your weapons are stocked and loaded. There will be some corpses located on the ground, the slasher will attack you when you get close

Once you have finished off the enemies, you will need to pick up a power node from the circuit box.
You will then need to follow the corridor, it will take you through another door. As you make your way out of the shopping area, it might seem a tad quite. As you have a look around the area, you will be greeted by a new Necromorph. You will need to use your line gun, you will also be able to use the Javelin Gun.

Remember you are also allowed to use your melee attack at anything that gets into your way.Once you have killed all of the Pack, you will need to stock up on ammo and other types of goodies. Make your way to the next save station. You will need to listen to Stross when he contacts you.

Disposal Chute

Once you have made your stop at the shop, you will need to make your way to the elevator. You will need to take it to the concourse mezzanine. You will need to be ready to take on the pack once again.
Once you have taken on the pack, you will need to have a look around to see if you are able to find a text log as well as some credits.

Once you have picked up everything you are able to find, you will need to make your way to the Unitology section. In this section, you will be able to find another text log. Once you have found it, you will need to make your way to the elevator. Since this elevator is not working, you will need to make your way round to the panel, you will need to do some hacking to repair it.

Make your way out of the elevator and make your way to the counter, when you get to the counter, you will need to pick up the text log and some credits. Don”t wonder to far, there are some Necromorph’s ahead of you, there are also two packs and a slasher as well as an exploder.

You will also be able to back yourself up against the wall, shooting the glass will shatter it, this will cause a vacuum and the Necromorph’s will be sucked out.You will need to reload and prepare yourself for the second wave of enemies. The pack will come out from all directions, using your pulse riffle is probably the best weapon to use on them.

Once they are all dead, remember to search the corpses for ammo and credits.

You will then need to open the hatch and call through the tunnel to reach the next area.

When you get to the next area, you will need to watch the video, telling you how to use your Kinesis.

Once you have made it to the control area, you will be able to use the workbench to upgrade your weapons.

Once you are done with the upgrading, you will need to walk over to the blue console, shutting down the garbage compacter

when you start to leave the control room, it is a good idea to get your line gun or Javelin ready.

Once you have taken on and defeated your enemies, you will need to head out into the Zero Gravity garbage compactor.

Unitology Church

Once you are in this large room, you will be able to launch yourself into open space. Pressing your Zero-G launch button, when you have made it into the next room, you will need to launch yourself across the open area to the platform located on the opposite side.

Make your way through the door and continue to the console locate at the far end of the room.This control controls the turbines in the garbage chute, you will need to press the run button to allow your fire thrusters in your boots to push your against the flow of air. As you get close to the platform, you will need to once again press the Zero-G button.

This will magnetize your boots, allowing your to stand on the platform.As you make your way into the service corridor the lights will go out! You will need to use your Kinesis to pick up a metal rod, there is a slasher that will be jumping out at you.

You will need to launch this metal rod at it. You will need to move over and pick up the power cell that as been taken out of its socket, you will need to use your Kinesis. This will restore the power back into the socket. This will re-power the elevator in the corridor. Once you are in the elevator, this will take you to the Cassini Towers. You will be able to pick up a power node from the circuit box located on the left wall.

As you make it to the next apartment, you will be greeted by some slashers. You will need to kill all of the enemies that appear in the apartment. If you hang back, the swarm of enemies should stay in the apartment, this is a great opportunity to try out for timed mine from your line gun.As you make you way through the third apartment, you will be able to find some credits located in the bathroom.

Make your way across the walkway, head through the door into the east wing.

A slasher will appear from the door, you will need to hit it with your melee attack. Once you have killed it, you will need to head to the elevator, taking it down to the lower level.

Remember to load up your weapons, there is a big fight coming up next.
You will need to follow your target locator until you reach the church, this will be the start of chapter four.
Dead Space 2 walkthrough – Chapter 4 : Beware This Holy Place

You will have now reached the Church of Unitology. You must now rendezvous with Daina and the rest of her team.

Even though your locator tells you to go to the right, for now you should head to the left first. You will come to a sign that says gift shop and other rooms.

Once you have made it into the west foyer, you will need to pick up some ammo, you will also need to go through a door that leads to a small room. In this room is another text log.

Daina is also waiting for you in the top room of the church.

You will now need to make your way up the stairs, entering the gift shop.

Remember to save your game as much as you are able too.

You might also want to upgrade your weapons at the workbench.

Once you have finished with the shop, you will need to head up the stairs, you will make your way into the reading room. You will also be ale to pick up a text log here.

When you are about to leave this room, a slasher will jump out at you.

You will need to kill it quickly, exit the room and head back down the stairs.

You will need to make your way back to the main foyer, you will need to walk across to the door on the other side, this door will take you to the Unity Library.

You will be able to pick up some ammo in this area, you will need to head through the door which will take you into a small room, you will find an audio log here.

You will now need to make your way down another set of stairs, there will be a few infector’s about. Using your javelin an line gun will take these pesky enemies out.

Once you have made it down to the lower area of the library,you will need to enter the cargo lift.

Once you get out of the lift, you will need to walk through a narrow walkway, you will need to be careful as there is a Puker following you. Beware as he will hit you from behind.

Turn to the right and move towards the locked door, leading to the Overwatch.

There is a open fuse box here located on the door’s side, you will need to make your way back to the corridor and go through the door to the Indoctrintion.

This room holds a few containers, you will need to use your Kinesis to pull of the panel with the grip icon.

You will need to find the fuse to activate the door on the other side of the area.

You will need to pull off another panel on the other side of the testing room. This time you will need to use your Kinesis to pull the fuse and carry it over to the control panel.

As you leave this area, you will need to pick up the metal rod, there will be several Slashers jumping down onto you from the ceiling.

 Locked Out

You will need to throw the metal rod at the window, this will cause the room to decompress and the Necromorph’s will be sucked out.

Now the room is clear, you will need to make your way through the door that is opening and closing. Once it is half open, you will need to hit it will Kinesis, then make your way into the next room.

Once you have saved your game at the save station, you will need to make it into the next room, there is a container that holds a Schematic for the security suit.

Once you have collected all the goodies, you will need to make your way through the hatch.

As you drop into the next room, you will need to press the action button really quickly! You will see Nicole’s ghost trying to stab you with a syringe.

Once your hallucination has ended, you will see you are back in the reading room. You will need to pick up the power node.

You will need to hit the fuse box to open the door.

This will take you back to the Indoctrintion room, you will need to go past this, heading to the eat. This will take your back to the gift shop.

You will need to update your suit at the gift shop.

As you make your way through the door to the Basilica, you will need to pick up some ammo and stomp on a few containers. You will once again need to take the cargo lift back down to the ground floor.

You will need to pick up the metal rod, as the stalker gets close to you, you will need to throw the metal rod at it.

It will stop charging at you, this will allow you to take off its arms with your other weapons.

You will also be able to shoot its legs, this slows down the stalkers, however it will still be able to crawl around quickly.

You will need to use your Kinesis to detach the claws from the Stalker, you will then be able to use them as a weapon against the stalker.

Once you have cleared the Basillica, you will need to head over to the panel and press the action button. You will also have to hack the circuits to activate another cargo lift.

Zero Gravity Puzzle

Early in the game you’ll find yourself The Church of Unitology aboard the Sprawl space station. Once again, the followers of this massive religion — based on the belief that the Marker will bring about eternal life — will get their wish, but not quite the way they where hoping for…

Here’s how I solved the Zero Gravity Puzzle.

You will then need to make your way through the doors leading to the Funerary Wing.

When you are in the corridor, you will need to go through the doors on the right, this will take your to the Reunion Chapel.

As you walk through the chapel, you will be swarmed, you will need to clear out the Swarm. To do this you will need to launch a grenade from your pulse riffle.

There are also two splashers located in this area, you will need to take these out first if you get the chance.

One you have taken them all down, make sure you pick up all the goodies.

Make your way down to the elevator, it will take your to the Crypts. Make sure to shoot all the corpses on the ground.

You will then need to ride the elevator, once you have made it to the crypts, you will need to make your way through the doors.

This will take you to the save station, save your game before you start chapter 5.
Dead Space 2 walkthrough – Chapter 5: Dainas Truth

Tip: Use Kinesis to grab enemy body parts and shoot them as weapons.

Hell Babies Protip: Take out a whole group of Hell Babies by throwing Stasis at them, and then shooting off their limbs as they are frozen in time. Or use the auto-machine gun to take them out more quickly, while keeping a safe distance. And that’s how you take down a huge horde of Hell Babies.

You are now in the third chamber, pick up the text log in the middle of the area, you will need to smash the containers located on the far wall. Make your way through the door, this will take you into another chamber.

When you get to the fourth chamber, you will need to be prepared, this is where it all kicks off.

There will be a Puker that jumps out, he will be jumping our of the cylinder. You will need to quickly get rid of the Puker.

You might want to have a look at the containers to see if they hold any goodies you might need.

When you get to the fifth camber, there is a Necromorph haven as you make your way into this chamber.

There are a few more enemies such as a Puker and a Slasher, you will need to use your Kinesis to pick up the metal rods to help you in this battle.

The door that will take you out of the chamber looks a bit different to the last.

You will need to turn off the gravity to reach the top of the door.

You will need to make your way down the cargo lift, once you have made it to the top you will need to turn off the gravity.

You will need to have a wonder around the room on the other side of the cargo lift (look in the middle).

You will need to use your kinesis to get the semiconductor.

You will need to make your way to the lower area, using the cargo lift.

Once you have made it, you will need to have a look around for a power node and a schematic for the ripper.

You will need to start with the outer rings, then the middle and then the inner ring.

You will need to fire your kinesis to pull each arm down, this will lock down the outer ring.

Once it is down, you will need to hit the rings again with stasis, then run yourself around to pull down the second arm. Once you have pulled both arms down, the outer rings is locked.

You will need to recharge your kinesis and pull down the last two arms.

Repeat this for the inner arm.

You will come to a section with a large spinning fan, you will need to hit the fan with your stasis, whilst it is rotating slowly you will be able to thrust your way past.

Once you have made it to the top, you will need to go through the hatch.

It will be a good idea to hit the hatch with your stasis, this will make it a lot easier to get through.

Jet your self over to the console, Daina will then contact you and tell you to follow your locator.

Once you have finished with the shop, you will need to use your kinesis on the GRIP icon to move the three large caskets to the right hand side, this will allow you to access the save station.

You will need to follow your locator as you move through the coming sections, you will need to watch out and keep your eyes open for a couple of Lurkers that will be climbing on the walls and on the ceiling.

You will eventually come into contact with the Pack, you will need to use your line gun to cut through them.

Once you have killed the pack, you will need use your locator, once again you will need to keep your eyes open for the enemies ahead.

Using your locator, you will get to a Statue of a Marker, Isaac will have another hallucination here.

You will need to head through to the elevator,ride it to the top of the church.

Once you have made it to the top, you will need to watch out for some slashers that will be hanging out.

Next Isaac must fight in a boss battle.

Suddenly the EarthGov gunship will appear, killing Daina.

As you are about to be sucked out into space, you will need to press the action button quickly, this will help you hold onto the rail, helping you pull yourself away from the breach.

Once you have fallen through the access tunnel, you will need to be aware of a Tormentor that is waiting for you.

You will need to attack the yellow looking flesh, keep shooting at this point until you shoot off one of the arms.

You will need to use kinesis on the grip icon to open the door. You will need to keep running into the next room.

You will then be sucked out into space once again, do not waste your ammo shooting it, shoot one of the floating red cylinders. This will explode, killing the Tormentor and it send you flying away from the gunship.

 A fire In Zero G

Tip: Click and hold the right analog stick to use the Locator. It can guide you to objectives, stores, benches, and save stations.

Once you have got some information from Stross , you will need to follow your locator.

It will be a good idea to stomp on anything that might have any goodies in you might need.

One you have made it through the first apartment, Stross will contact you again. You will need to take the elevator down to the lower level.

Once you have made it down to the lower level, you will need to keep your ears open! Listening out for trouble.

Once you have taken down ll those trouble makers, it will be a very wise idea to have a loo around the area for any goodies you may need to stock up on.

Using your locator to help you get to the next area, you will need to watch out for the Cysts, these creatures will launch an explosive pod at you.

Once you have used your locator to help you get to the opposite side of the corridor, you will need to use a power node to access a secure storage.

You will be able to use a workbench that is close by, then head to the save station.

Once you have made it through the doorway, you will enter a room with zero gravity.

You will need to use your kinesis to pull out the power cell, the second station, this is located on the lower level, you will once again need to use kinesis to remove the panel and pull out the power cell.

The third station is located on the ceiling. Pressing the Zero G button will launch you to the ceiling. Once the fire has been put out, you will need to place the power cell back in the oxygen socket.

 What Lurks In The Shadows

Tip: Use the Respec feature at Upgrade Benches to recover Power Nodes from one weapon, and apply them to a new one. Try different upgrade options to optimize Isaac’s arsenal.

As you make your way through the area where the fire was located, you will need to watch out as there is Lurkers wondering about on the walls.

When you have made it into the next room, you will need to take the elevator. However it is not working.

You will need to pull out the red cell and replace it with a new one. You will need to head back to the area where the fire was, there is a power cell on the left hand side.

As you leave the elevator, you will need to open the blue box on the wall, you will get a power node. You will need to hit the fuse box next to the door to unlock it. Going through this door will take you to a large warehouse.

As you make your way down the ramp, you will be able to pick up a couple of mines, you will be able to use these on your detonator.

As you make your way into the main area, turn to the right to access a stasis station.

As you make your way through the warehouse watch out for the stalkers!

Once you have killed all the stalkers, have a stomp around and look in the lockers for some useful goodies.

Following your locator, you will eventually be at the concourse.

You will see a lady by the elevator, you don’t need to spend a lot of time fighting here. The Necromorph’s will keep on coming.

Once you have talked to Ellie, you will need to have a look around for some more goodies. Once you have finished taking a lot around make your way to the elevator.

Using your locator to help you along your way, you will also need to watch out for the enemies along the way.

Once you have killed the wave of enemies, you will need to use your kinesis to pull the spikes off the head spitter head. You will be able to throw them at the Cysts.

As you make your way into the school, you will need to watch out for the Necromorph’s and some Crawlers.

Following your locator into the day care centre, you will need to pace yourself, there will be Crawlers.

Once you have left the nurses office, you will need to make your way to the end of the hall.

Once you have made it into the gymnasium, you will need to keep a close eye open for the Pack.

You will then need to follow your locator to the stage.

Back To School

You will need to use your kinesis to pick up the stasis container and carry it over to the console.

You will need to watch out, as there will be a swarm of enemies. (Pack, Crawlers and a couple super Puker’s.)

following your locator around to the left, you will be able to looking into a classroom through the glass window.

Make your way into this class room, there is a text log located on the desk.

At the end of the room, there is a small area, you will be able to pick up a schematic for a flame thrower.

Make your way through the door into the playground.

Once Isaac has his hallucination, you will need to take a look around the playground, go over and have a look at the rocket ship located on the left.

One of the rocket ships should have a power node inside.

Make your way to the elevator, Ellie has found Stross and he will meet you at the hub.

Ellie and Stross will be on the upper level of the Hub.

There will be a Brute in the hub, you will need to shoot the yellow spots on it, these are it’s weak points.

You will be able to use your plasma and your stasis to help you in the battle.

You will need to keep shooting the Brute until you shoot of one of it’s arms. You have now defeated the Brute!

Collect the goodies it has dropped then stomp around on the containers to find any goodies you will need to help you along the way.

Using your locator to show which direction to go in. Make your way down the corridor, you will see another mine off to the left hand side.

There is a new enemy down this passage, The Guardian. You will need to fire projectiles at it’s tentacles.

You will need to be really careful with this Necromorph, it has an instant kill if you get to close to it.

Once you have killed it, have a look in the locker and pick up all the goodies it has dropped.

Make your way into the elevator, this will take you to the Solar Array.

 Brutal Standoff

Tip: Use Kinesis to pick up enemy limbs, then launch them back at enemies to impale them.

As soon as you make your way out of the elevator, you will need to be very careful. There is a store and work bench as well as a save station.

This room is very dangerous, a Leaper will come crawling out. You will need to hit it will stasis, there is also a legless Puker.

Make your way down the hallway, you will need to watch out for a couple of enemies in this section.

Once you have cleared the room, you will need to head through the doorway, following the passage to the Solar Array Elevator. This is broken so you will need to make your way through the door to the maintenance bay elevator.

Once you have gone through the doors, you will need to take out for plasma cutter and shoot the red tip of the canister to light the thruster.

Using your locator, you will need to make your way to the bottom, you will need to shoot the red tips of the second elevator back into position.

When you get to the top, you will need to watch out for the leaper.

You will now be able to enter the Solar Array Elevator.

You will need to activate the elevator controls.

There will also be some Tripods! Remember to shoot the yellow spots, this is their weak point.

Once you have made it off the elevator, you will need to walk around the catwalk. Killing all the enemies you come into contact with.

As you enter the large room, a hologram will appear, you will need to move to the right side.

When you enter the workshop, there will be a couple of enemies waiting for you.

When you make your way over to the save station, you will find out you do not have access to the door.

 DNA Identity

You will need to make your way over to the bedroom, using kinesis to pick up Howard Phillips, you will need to carry him back to the door.

The scanner will recognize him, opening the door for you.

Once you have entered the large room, you will need to be ready to kill the enemies lurking around!

Once you have cleared the room, you will need to make your way into the power grid area.

Be ready! Once you leave the power grip area, there will be two Slashers and a Leaper waiting for you.

Once they are all dead, you will need to head to the cargo lift.

In the cargo lift, you will need to be on your toes, a Slasher will try and attack you, it will climb through the ducts.

There is a metal rod located on the upper level, use your kinesis to pick it up.

Following the path, you will come to a part in the path that is blocked, you will need to use your kinesis to move the objects.

Then you will need to use your kinesis again to pull down the bridge located on the other side.

As the bridge comes down, you will need to use your kinesis to pull the spike off the slashers head, you will then need to throw it at the mine. This will detonate it.

Once you have made it to the other side, you will need to throw the toolbox into the lasers, this will make the explosives explode. Once you have detonated the explosives, you will need to watch out for a slasher.

 Computer Fuse Control

Using your locator it will lead you to another security corridor. You will need to take out the two stalkers!

Use your force gun to push them away. Once you have killed them, you will need to make your way to the end of the corridor, hacking the console.

This will restore the corridors atmosphere.

Since you have been blocked from entering the Solar Array, you will need to pull of the panel across the from the mainframe, then you will need to open the access hatch.

Once you are in the room, you will need to pull off all the panels using your kinesis.

A swarm will also attack!

You will need to use your kinesis to pull the circuits out of the console, on the left and in the middle.

When they light up green, a console near the window will raise up, you will need to press the action button close to it to disable the first part of the mainframe security.

You will need to repeat this again in the second room.

 Align The Solar Array

Before you make it into the hatch, you will need to look at the panel located on the right. There is a sequence of circuit lights, you will need to place them correctly and they will light up in blue.

You will now need to go back to the panel near the hatch, you will need to reroute the tunnel to the secret area.

Once you have got everything from the secret area, you will need to head back to the computer room.

As you head back into the room, you will need to place down a couple of mines. There are a slasher and a Super Slasher in the corridor.

You will now need to destroy all the circuits in the mainframe.

You will need to shoot them with your plasma cutter, whilst you are doing this two slashers will try and sneak up on you from either side.

Use your mines, these will sort them out.

You make your way through the corridor, there will be a Divider Spawn, you will need to use a very effective weapon, such as a flamethrower.

There will also be some Cysts, remember to stomp the containers and look in the lockers for goodies.

As you venture on, you will need to make sure all your weapons are loaded up. You will need to ue your kinesis to pull the stasis cylinder to you. You will need to launch this at the Super Slasher.

Use your locator to help you along to the control pod.

When you enter the control pod, you will need to move the blue console, pressing the action button to activate it, this will take you up to the array mirrors.

When you exit the pod, you will be a zero-g vacuum, you will need to keep track of your oxygen.

You will need to use your locator to find out where you need to be heading.

Using your kinesis, you will need to grab onto the controls, you will need to move the arrays. They will need to be aimed at the mirrors that are attached to the control pod.

When the light shines, the first array is line up correctly.

You will be able to refill your oxygen by heading back into the pod, making your way into the ring below to the oxygen station.

You will need to follow your locator to the second array.

You will need to use your locator to help you get through space as fast as possible, before you run out of oxygen.

As you are flying down to the surface, you will need to dodge all the debris.

You will need to fly through the holes or the gaps, one you have made it passed all of the debris, you will need to head for the flashing lights located on the roof top.

Once you have landed (crash landed more like it), you will appear in a room with a few lockers.

Once you have finished with the store, you will need to go through the doorway.

You will now be in the transport hub.

As soon as Ellie tells you the door is open, you will need to run!

You will need to be quick as the room is decompressed and you are running out of oxygen.

You will not be able to kill all the enemies, however you need to get to the blue console and activate it. This will shut the door.
Dead Space 2 walkthrough – Chapter 8: New Friends

Tip: Aim and press the right shoulder button to engage each weapon’s Alt Fire mode, and discover new combat strategies.

 Processing Cycle On

Dead Space 2 walkthrough – Chapter 9: Transport Array Repair

Tip: Experiment with different weapons and Alt Fire strategies, if a particular Necromorph proves too challenging.

Make sure you are awake when you pass the metal vents whilst walking on the catwalk. A leaper will jump out of the vent, you will need to have your ripper ready.

You will need to be prepared for the entire walk as there will be enemies jumping out at you from every angle.

You will need to follow the catwalk until you get to an enclosed area. There are more enemies ahead so make sure you are well prepared.

Make your way into the side alcove and stomp a couple of containers.

Keep following the walk until you get to a door to the Pressurization Control 2.

you will need to be ready when you enter the new room.

When you get to the elevator, you will need to take to the next floor, make your way out as quickly as you can.

You will need to use your kinesis to grab a hold of a cylinder, you need to be quick in this room as you don’t have that much time to.

You will need to break the window with the cylinder, this will suck the Necromorph’s out.

You will quickly need to shoot the lock down switch so you don’t get sucked out.

In the corridor on the wall, you will see a couple of mines located on the wall.

Use your kenesis to pick up the container and throw it at the mines to destroy them.

When you get to the corridor, you will need to pick up the explosive canister and take it to the catwalk.

You will need to throw the canister at the guardian to kill it.

As you make your way to the top of the ride, you will need to drop some mines onto the catwalk.

As you make your way into the transport mechanism control room, pick up the goodies floating around.

 The Hornets Nest

Make your way over to the blue console, you will need to activate the transport, you will need to turn around and look at the gear box. The gear on the right will show where the gears are meant to be positioned.

You will need to move the box’s to the right, use kinesis to pick. You will need to drop it on the Dividers head, you will need to do this a few times before you kill it.

You will now need to use kenesis to pick up the yellow cover of the gear box, you will next need to pick up the small gear and put it into the bottom slot in the middle gear box.

The last gear is on the right.

Head over to the console and call the transport. There will be a few enemies that appear.

You will need to activate the controls that are located near the door, the transport will stop again, you will need to get out of the transport and see what is the matter.

Once you have got off the transport, you will need to stomp on the four crates.

Make your way into the control area, there are enemies in this room.

You will need to head to the left, here you will be able to find a power node in the circuit.

Kill all of the Cysts, however leave one. You will have to have a look around for some ammo and an audio log.

As you make your way further into the control room, you will need to deal with a lot of enemies.

Eventually you will come to a room with an elevator located in the right hand corner.

You will first need to get rid of the guardian that is blocking your entrance to the elevator.

There is an explosive canister near the elevator, you know what to do.

Once you have left the elevator, you will need to make sure you are fully loaded, there are many enemies up ahead.

There is a massive Tripods nest up ahead, you will need to pick up the explosive canisters and throw them at the first fuel tank.

Once you have used the first two canisters, you will be able to find some more located near the doors. Once the tank explodes, you will need to head down the cargo lift to the bottom level.

There is one more tank you need to explode, when you hit the tank for the first time, a Tripod will jump out and attack you. You will need to hit it with Stasis and keep shooting the yellow weak points on its arms to kill it.

When you have killed the first one, another one will attack you. This will keep continuing. The only way to stop it is to hit the Tripod with stasis and keeping all your attention on the tanks.

Once you have reduced all the bars on the tanks to Zero, the whole place is going to blow up. You will need to follow your locator and get yourself out of here.

It is now time is visit Isimura.

You will need to make your way through a passage and a few doors.

You will come to a cargo lift this will take you to where you need to go.

You will need to jump into another cargo lift t the end of the tubes tunnel, this will take you to chapter 10.

Tip: Yellow, infected flesh is a weak spot for many enemies.

As you make your way onto the ship, you will need to head to the right.

Make your way through the ships doors, you will need to go through the second door.

You will need to use your kinesis to move the crates that are blocking your door.

Following your locator it will lead you to another path.

You will be able to find a blue console, activate it. This will allow you to run a diagnostic report of the ship.

Make your way through the ship, stomping on the containers. Make your way to the elevator.

Use your locator is you get lost.

Remember to pick up any goodies you may need on the way, looking out for audio logs and save at every save station you come too.

When you have made it to the long corridor, near the cleaning supplies a Brute will jump ou at you.

You will need to shoot the yellowish spots on its shoulder, this will make the arm fall off. You will also need to use your stasis, this will help you speed up the battle.

Keep going down the corridor, picking up any stasis packs and ammo along the way.

There will be another brute that will appear at the end of this chamber, remember to use your stasis and shoot at the yellowish weak points.

Once you have gotten rid of the second brute, you will need to take on the swarm of Necromorph’s, keep close to wall, using your stasis.

Once you have destroyed them all, pick up all the goodies and make your way to the end of the chamber.

There is a stasis chamber along the way, stop and charge up your stasis module. One you have finished charging up, hop into the cargo lift.

Once you have searched all the lockers in the new area, you will nee to carry on to the next room, make your way to the save station.

Make your way to the elevator, once you are on the elevator, you will find an audio log.

Once you have left the elevator, you will need to move into the small corridor. Make your way through the door, this will lead you to another corridor.

Once you have checked everything in this room, you will need to make your way into the next corridor.

Deploy some mines in both directions as there is a Puker and a legless Stalker up ahead.

Once you have killed all the enemies, you will need to continue down the corridor, you will need to watch out as there is a stalker on the ceiling as well as a Super Slash and a Pregnant hiding amongst the containers.

As you head in the opposite direction, you will need to be prepared as there are a few enemies ahead.

As the corridor makes a couple of short turns, you will need to watch out, you will be attacked by more Necromorph’s.

Use your different weapons to take care of them.

Make sure you save at the next save station that is located through the door.

Make your way through the round door, this will lead you into the Centrifuge.

 Ishimura Cooling Core

You will now be in a Zero-G area, before you start to fix the centrifuge, you will need to have a float around to collect any items you will need. It is also a good idea to have a good look around the area. This will allow you to learn the layout.

Once you have collected, it is time to get to work.

You will need to find the pieces of the centrifuge and pull them in using your kinesis. Some of the pieces are hidden behind structures, you will need to have a good mooch around.

You will need to place them in the correct slots on the centrifuge. Match the cooling tube with he tubes on the cooling core.

Once you have placed all the pieces in the correct slots, you will now need to press your Zero G button and press the Launch button to activate the centrifuge.

Once you have done that, you will need to follow the catwalk and exit the centrifuge.

Stop and save at the save station.

Once you are in the decontamination room, you will need to make sure your weapons are fully loaded.

There are a lot of enemies ahead.

Once you have killed all the enemies, make your way to the elevator. Once you have left the elevator, stop at the store and upload the schematic. Then make your way over to the save station.

Beware there are enemies ahead.

Once you have cleared out all the enemies, you will need to jump onto the tram.

The tram will stop at the medical deck, make your way through the door leading to some dark corridors.

You will need to deploy some mines as there are enemies ahead.

Once you have killed all the enemies, pick up the stasis back and the power node.

 Nicoles Watching

When you go through the next door, you will be attacked by a Super Slasher.

Once you have killed the enemies, make your way to the stasis station.

There will be enemies ahead.

Once you have killed the enemies, you will need to make your way to the save station.

As you walk into the room, you will hear a recording of Nicole.

Once you have collected all the items, make your way to the cargo lift.

One you have reached the next level, you will need to use your kinesis to move some objects out of your way.

You will be able to recharge your stasis at the end of the corridor.

Follow your locator.

Once you have made it into the next room, you will need to use your kinesis to move a power cell from the socket.

Once you start to move again, you will be attacked by a slasher.

In the other room there is a workbench.

Once you are done with the store and save station, make your way through the corridor to another area.

You will pop out at the Tram platform.

This is a Zero-G area, as you fly down the tunnel, you will need to shoot the Lurkers that come and attack you.

Activate Gravity Tethers

Keep going down until you reach another platform. You will need to land on it, make your way through the door to the bridge deck.

Make your way along the corridor, you will need to watch out for enemies along the way.

Once you have killed all the enemies you will need to keeping following your locator path.

Once you have made it to the captain’s control station, have a look in the locker then move over to the blue console.

Next, you will need to make your way through the door. This will lead you to the escape pod.

You have now made it off the Ishimura.

Eye For An Eye

The first thing you will need to do, is make sure that all your weapons are fully loaded.

Make your way down the ramp, you will need to stop and start collecting items from the containers.

Stop by the save station, there is also a workbench if you want to upgrade.

Once you have collected everything that is needed, you need to make your way through the large doors.

Once you have had a look around, you will need to advance into the next area.

Take the large ramp down into the mines,

Watch out there are stalkers about.

Keep doing down to the bottom of the ramp. There are more Super Stalkers about, you know what to do with these pesky creatures.

Once you have killed the stalkers, it is time to take on the Crawlers. You can use the Crawlers to damage the Super Stalkers.

The door you need to go through is locked, you will need to hack the panel on the left.

As you move through, you will need to beware as there are crysts ahead.

As you advance through the mine, you will need to watch out for crysts along the way, once you have made it to the end of the shaft, grab a power node from the circuit box.

Make your way through the doors.

Watch out for the many Necromorph’s ahead.

Make your way down the ramp heading to the lower level.

It ill be a good idea to leave several mines along the way, there are some Super Puker’s.

You will need to get down to the red area, there is a stasis station here.

Your next task is to go and find a power cell that will open the door for you.

Head towards the short bridge, you will need to open the metallic box, here you will find a good power cell.

Take it back to the socket and insert it.

Watch out for the enemies, they are all over the place.

Make your way back up the ramp, you will need to be ready for the enemies that jump out ahead.

You will need to find the door that will led you to the thermal scanning room.

You will need to follow the tunnel until you reach the save station.

You will meet up with Stross and Ellie, Stross has attacked Ellie! Find a door that will lead you to them.

As you make your way down the tunnel, a long tentacle will appear it, it will pull out through the side of the tunnel.

If you have the Seeker Rifle, you will be able to zoom in and shoot the yellow pods. However, if you don’t have this weapon you will be able to use the plasma cutter.

You will need to dodge the projectiles it throws at you, once you have shot all the yellow pods (weak points) you will have destroyed it.

Make your way to the oxygen station to fill up your oxygen supply.

The entrance you need to go through is cover in lasers, you will need to follow the lasers back to their source, you will need to shoot the red the red tip to ignite it.

 Elevator Survivor

When you have landed on the catwalk, you will need to be ready for a fight with the enemies.

There are some explosive canisters on the platform, this will help speed things along.

Make your way along the catwalk, leaving a few mines behind you.

When you get to the end of the catwalk, go through the door.

The door you need to get through is blocked by mines, you will need to pick up a container and throw it into the mines. The laser will trip and detonate all the mines, clearing your path.

Make your way to the end of the tunnel.

When you open the door to Stross, you will need to watch out as he will attack you with a screw driver.

You will have to kill Stross.

Once you have had a stomp around, you will need to take the cargo lift to the bottom level.

Follow the tunnel, picking up things along the way.

There will be a Super Slasher ahead, once you have killed it, you will need to take the cargo lift up to a bigger cargo lift. You will need to activate the controls.

You will need to reload all your weapons before you head back into the mine shaft.

Move into the corner of the cargo lift, and deploy some mines.

As you open the door from the cargo lift, you are attacked by Nicole. (it’s a hallucination)

once you have finished fighting her off you, head to the store.

Take a look around the mine.

 Breaching Govt Sector

You will find yourself in a chamber with a drilling machine.

As you make your way down the ramp, you will need to go and talk to Ellie, the drill is missing a power cell.

Have a look around the drill, there are some crates. You will need to watch out for the crysts that are hiding behind some of the crates.

You will need to use your kinesis to pick up the cell out of one of the containers.

Take it back to the drill and insert it.

You will now need to go find a circuit junction.

Go up the cargo lift, watch out for the slashers, you will need to use the kinesis to pick up the item from the crates. You will now need to take it back to the drill.

The machine will not be able to recognise the circuit. You will need to hack the system to make it work.

You will need to take on the pack.

Govt Sector Over Run

Once Ellie has the drill sorted, you will need to run to the lift located on the side of the drill. Take it to the top.

Now is a good time to reload all your weapons.

You will need to watch out for all the enemies that will be coming for you.

You will be able to throw a canister at the Lurkers.

There will be more enemies coming for you, make sure you use your stasis to help you.

The drill will stop, you have made it to the Government Sector.
 Red Laser Room

You have now arrived at the government sector.

Make your way out of this area, head for the save station.

Make your way down the hallway, located in the corner, there is a power ni=ode located in a circuit box.

Go to the end of the hallway..

go through a couple of doors, this will take your to the security gunship.

You will need to go over to the blue console, activate it.

Take the elevator to the main floor.

Watch out, when you leave the elevator there will be a few enemies waiting for you.

There will be a lot of enemies ahead, make sure all your weapons are fully loaded.

Once you have cleared the entrance, you will need to move over to the console. Hack your way through the security.

There will be more enemies that show up.

Once you have opened the door, head down the stairs and follow the corridor.

When you get to the Security troops, take the door to the right, you will be able to pick up a power node in the sink.

There is a hatch you will be able to crawl through to by pass the troops.

When you make it to the control room, go to the save station.

Now you will need to use your kinesis to remove the GRIP panel, then pull out the power cell.

You will need to head back down the stairs, picking up the stasis canister on the way, have a look through the window. You will be able to see the Necromorph’s.

There are many enemies along the way, deploy mines behind you.

Once you have cleared all the enemies reload your weapons, go through the door to the next area.

Once you have collected everything in this room, you will need to make your way through the doors leading to the project room.

Use kinesis to pick up the corpse on the floor, you will need to carry it towards the scanner.

Go into the next room, picking up the goodies.

Make your way down the corridor, you will need to search the area for a med pack.

As you get near the door, there will be a slasher!shoot off a leg to make it fall to the ground, once it is on the floor you will need to continue shooting it.

Once you have opened the door, there will be some Necromorph noises coming from inside. Deploy some mines in the next room, there will be a number of different enemies located in this room.

Once you have killed all the enemies make your way into the next room through the door.

Go down the ramp.

Once you have come out of the storage room, you will need to prepare your self for the enemies ahead.

Once you have killed all the enemies, head through the doors.

You will need to once again start to deploy mines behind you, once you have placed the mines, you will need to get your contact beam or ripper ready.

If the enemies get to close, use stasis on them.

Once you got to the next area, there will be more enemies waiting for you.

If you are low on ammo, now is a good time to get some more.

Head down the ramp, through the doors at the bottom.

In this new area you will need to dodge the laser.

You will need to get he ripper ready, use your stasis to hit one of the lasers.

As you advance through this area, you will need to take out some more Necromorph’s.

Head to the cargo lift and take it to the top level, you will need to follow the passage right to the end.

Head to the blue console in the middle of the room, you will need to turn off the Marker Laser, use kinesis to pull on a GRIP Icon.

Lower the walkway, once again you will need to put down some mines for the enemies ahead.

Once you have killed the enemies, make your way through the locked door.

Make your way down the corridor to the lower level. Watching out for the Spitter and the Super Slasher, they will drop down from the ceiling.

Check the locker before you advance through the door at the bottom.

You will now be on a walkway similar to the one you just left, you will need to be aware of all the enemies.

Once you have killed all the enemies you will need to go through the door.

As you get closer to the large round door, you will need to pick up the canister you will need to use on the Brute just head.

Once you have killed the brute, you will need to pull off the panel on the left, you will also need to hack the controls to open the door.

Make your way down the ramp, picking up an audio log along the way.

 Stick A needle In Your Eye

Go through another round door.

Make your way over the bridge, head through another round door. In this room, there is a store and a work bench.

When you at the store, you will be able to sell any semiconductor’s you may have. You will then be able to buy some power node, use them to upgrade your weapons and equipment.

Go into the elevator and take it to the next level.

As you leave the elevator, you will see a large marker ahead.

Go into the room, there will be some sort of device in the middle of the room. You will be able to charge up your stasis here.

Make sure all your weapons are fully loaded.

Activate the machine to continue, you will need to keep the blue laser in the middle of your eye.

As you get closer to the eye, it will become a lot harder to aim for your target.

Take your time and be patient with it.

Once you have climbed out of the device, you will need to follow the light.
Meet Me At The Marker

Once you have finished the eye part, there will be a Necromorph that climbs into the room, you will need to shoot it with anything (shoot off it’s legs and arms)

However this Necromorph will not die!. The best way to deal with it, is to use stasis so its slows down. Then RUN!

There is a stasis station in this room too, go and recharge your stasis.

You will only be able to leave this room if you hack the console. If you don’t get it right the first time you will need to start all over again.

There will be an Ubermorph, but you know how to handle them now.

Once you have unlocked the door, deal with the Ubermorph and head down the corridor.

You will need to have a look around for ammo and other goodies, since you do not get anything from the Ubermorph since you can’t kill it.

As you make it into the next room, grab the explosive canisters with kinesis.

Use it to kill the enemies ahead.

There is a power node in a circuit box.

As you head near the door, there will be an Ubermorph that drop down. There will also be a Puker that follows.

Once you have finished dealing with the enemies, grab a body and take it to the scanner on the door.

Make your way to the save station once you have made it through the DNA scanning door.

Once you are in the next room, there is a metal rod, pick it up with kinesis.

Once you have dealt with the swarm of enemies, you will need to head for the elevator. Once you are inside the elevator you will need to reload all of your weapons.

Head to the console, you will need to deactivate the gravity in this area. Move forward and use the locator to help you find your path.

You will eventually come to three fusion beams. You will need to memorise the timing and thrust through.

There will be a nest that will launch itself at you. Make your way through the fusion beams first, then you will need to dodge all the projectiles. Stasis its body, then shoot the yellow points, quickly make your way to the platform.

Reload all your weapons, make your way through the door into the next room.

When you enter the next area, you will be able to grab a power node from the circuit box.

There is also a store located in this room. Make sure you up grade and by anything you may need for the final chapter.

 The Final Chapter

You have almost reached the marker, as you move forward, a leaper will jump out at you.

When you reach the corridor, you will need to be ready as there is a Ubermorph ready to jump out at you

Cut it’s legs off with stasis, run to the next corridor. There will be a Lurker above you, you will be able to ignore it for now.

You will need to use the contact bean to blow the enemies apart. The Ubermorph will have caught up with you, you will need to take it’s legs off once again with stasis.

As soon as you go down the corridor there will be more enemies ready to attack you.

You will need to be quick to take them down.

Make your way through the door.

As you go through the door, be ready for a super slasher, as well as a couple of Puker’s.

There will be a few metal objects in the way, use kinesis to move them. Make your way up the ramp and through the door.

Watch out for the Leaper! You will need to run through the corridor, once you have reached the end you will need to kill the super Slasher that will jump out at you.

Once you have made it into the room, pick up all the ammo and reload your weapons.

Take the lift to the next area, as you leave the lift you will need to head to the right. There will be another Ubermorph, you will need to repeat the same process.

Then you will need to pull off another panel using kinesis, this will expose a fuse. You will need to break the fuse so you can unlock the door.

Once you have made it through the corridor, you will need to rip off another panel.

Make your way across the bridge to the marker.

You will be shot with a Javelin gun, you will need to pull it out of your shoulder, as well as the second one he fires at you. You will need to kill the Tiedemann.

Once he is dead, make your way over to Nicole.

You will need to destroy the marker to survive.

You will need to start shooting at Nichole, keeping firing at her until she disappears.

You will need to shoot the heart of the marker, shoot it with the contact beam.

Nichole will return, she as brought a creature similar to the pack. You will need to put down some mines to get rid of most of the creatures, they will keep coming. You will need to focus on shooting Nicole to make her disappear again.

As the Pack return s you will need to stun them with the contact beam then keep your focus on Nicole.

You will need to fight the fourth wave of Pack and destroy Nicole for the final time, you will need to shoot the heart and it will explode. This will send you back to reality.

You will need to use the thrusters to fly, you will also need to avoid all the debris floating around. Ellie will grab your hand once you are close to her and she will pull you inside.


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