Tuesday 31 May 2011

How to Uninstall Android Applications

Much Applications troublesome in Androids if not uninstalled fully.

While Android makes installing applications rather simple, uninstalling those unwanted apps from your phone could be prove to be difficult.

Every third-party download can be uninstalled, but the apps that came on your phone are there to stay.

Commonly referred to as “bloatware,” the carrier branded applications cannot be uninstalled without rooting your phone.

 Steps :

1. Delete an application by first entering the Settings menu from the home screen contextual menu or the apps drawer.


2. Once in Settings, scroll down to where it says Applications.


3. Choose Manage Applications .

Manage Applications

4. Click on the tab that says Downloads. This will show you all the apps you have downloaded from the Market. Tap on the application you wish to uninstall.

Applications List

5. On the detailed app page, tap on the Uninstall button directly beneath the app icon.


6. It will ask you to confirm this deletion. Press OK to confirm and the app will be deleted off the device.


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